Monday, October 25, 2010

Concluding A Never Ending

They have given their hearts, in exchange they expected time

But as abstract as they both are

It’s inevitable that one side will be dissatisfied

She has shown him her all, and gave him trust

He exposed her to the world

And built for it a new pure lust.

He was her twin, and they shared genetic thoughts.

Absented from conscious effort

But enjoyed the coincidence as a blinded pleasure.

He cut her

Unaware, and She has dealt with the pain

Deeper the well became

Filled with tears of blood

And little did he care.

She wasn’t told that his time was too valuable for her to afford

She asked for a piece

She was given too much in the past,

For her, there was no more

Its logic humans run by and govern

Controlling the deeper agony and depletion of past pleasures

She asked for him to Set down his pride, clouded thoughts and actions of anger,

To become aware of his place in her heart as a constant lover.

Her soul is forgiving, as she’s tolerable of pain

Let her learn about herself

And as they grow apart

Let forever pull them back together.

She has spoken words of anger frustration and spit daggers to hurt him.

Humble, quiet thoughtful loving he was

Turned away from her and came back a stranger, and no longer her kin

We are human; mistakes are our subconscious actions

Forgiving we can be to be protected by loving sanctions

Let time tell our destination

Maybe together we can be a true completion

Till then they are placed in each other’s hearts, where no one can be mistaken.

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