Saturday, February 6, 2010

Acceptance: Scientific approach p.1

People judge, assume, critique, understand or become stubborn towards an individual, but what becomes the final decision and destination of where someone is put under the subdivision category of acceptance? Where do we reside in ones mind? Skin, hair, height, intellectuality, humor, sweetness, shyness, anger, heartless… how are we defined in one’s persons world? We are alienated from other characteristics and differentiated by race and rarely mindsets. Our definition of humanity is inhumane wild and savagely. Is understanding and knowing and individual factual with terms and words or is it multidimensional as observing a piece of art sculpture looking at each detail?

We are a mili second of millions of peoples memories, and some how some way we become an affect or an addition to ones life through our presence in their environment. Strangers become something, familiar. Each stranger and individual is beyond the concrete observation of the flesh. We are molecules that emit chemical reactions and interactions affiliated with our auras and exert it to this atmosphere- our auras are either positive or negative and for those who become magnetically attracted to one another come from each end of the spectrum, from different worlds. A negative charge grabs the positive to yield an equation equaling the sum of one, so who are we to not accept one another despite our differences, as our differences defines our completion and our similarities would conclude to zero energy and zero worth and no progression.It then constricts movement and change. So for us to not accept one another due to our differences, defines hypocrisy, and to realize the humanistic relation to the physical science we invented is mandatory.As humans who invent theories of differences yielding to something new, why aren’t we capable of applying our inventions to our lives? Why do incompatibilities dominate mutual understandings? It is the apprehension to exert energy and do work, to subside the challenges and settle for zero’s rather than additions. Which explain the reason why humans use only a fractional amount of the brain. Our minds settle while the organ is capable to challenge, but our automatic selection of the “easy going” rout degrade the gifts we have been presented by our creator. If ignorance was extinct and individuals become in tune with their brain and mental capacities, this world may actually unite. Then acceptance become beyond a noun, it’s the action of variables and scientific knowledge, to grasp and act upon common grounds through differences.


  1. Unity is a dream one would hope to accomplish in today's world. A dream not so difficult to achieve. It doesn't matter, however, when we achieve it, it is the path we choose to take towards it that matters the most. If achieved, this dream, individuals will live in complete harmony with one another and the chemical reactions will settle and each one will easily accept his/her counterpart. The question becomes then, what would happen to the universe? Will problems cease to exist or will the universe itself do? For we know chemical and physical reactions that occur on the molecular level result in either attraction or repletion; a fact so true it even happens on the individuals' interactions level. A concept set forth by the soul creator of this universe. It is therefore inevitable to come to the conclusion that acceptance will be rejected until the day all chemical and physical reactions stop reacting.

  2. Unity is a dream one would hope to accomplish in today's world. A dream not so difficult to achieve. It doesn't matter, however, when we achieve it, it is the path we choose to take towards it that matters the most. If achieved, this dream, individuals will live in complete harmony with one another and the chemical reactions will settle and each one will easily accept his/her counterpart. The question becomes then, what would happen to the universe? Will problems cease to exist or will the universe itself do? For we know chemical and physical reactions that occur on the molecular level result in either attraction or repletion; a fact so true it even happens to the individuals' interactions level. A concept set forth by the soul creator of this universe. It is therefore inevitable to come to the conclusion that acceptance will be rejected until the day all chemical and physical reactions stop reacting.
